

Caring for your dental hygiene has never been as pleasant and natural as it is now, thanks to our Plant-based Mouthwash. We’ve combined the benefits of cinnamon, star anise, clove, and bay leaves to create a unique product that offers comprehensive protection for your teeth.

  1. Prepare Your Mix: Start by gently shaking the bottle to mix the natural ingredients. You’ll see plant extracts floating in the solution, ready to go to work.
  2. Measure the Required Amount: Pour approximately 20 ml (about 4 teaspoons) into a small glass. This is the perfect amount for an effective rinse.
  3. Rinse and Gargle: Take the solution into your mouth and swish it around for 30 seconds to 1 minute, ensuring it reaches all corners of your mouth. Then gargle for a few seconds.
  4. Spit and Admire: Spit out the solution without swallowing it. You’ll immediately notice a fresh and clean sensation in your mouth.

Regular use of our Plant-based Mouthwash provides impeccable dental hygiene. Cinnamon, star anise, clove, and bay leaves are known for their purifying and antibacterial properties, which means this product effectively eliminates the bacteria responsible for bad breath and dental issues.

In addition to its oral health benefits, this mouthwash leaves you with a long-lasting, fresh breath, allowing you to smile with confidence throughout the day.

Choose the power of nature to care for your teeth and breath. Our Plant-based Mouthwash offers you a comprehensive, healthy, and effective oral care experience, all while letting you enjoy the benefits of purifying plants. Achieve impeccable dental hygiene; try it today!

Weight 0.223 kg
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