
Our dried jugube tree is a superior quality natural product, grown and harvested in ideal conditions in Morocco to preserve its natural benefits and unique flavor. The jugubier, also known as sidr, is a sacred tree in Moroccan culture, used for centuries for its medicinal properties.

  • Digestion: The jugube tree is known to promote digestion thanks to its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to relieve abdominal pain and bloating.
  • Immune system: The jugube tree is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system and prevent disease.
  • Skin and hair: The jugube tree is often used in Moroccan beauty rituals for its nourishing and soothing properties for the skin and hair. It can be used to prepare hair masks and skin care products.

To benefit from the benefits of our dried Moroccan jugube tree, you can use it to prepare a digestive herbal tea by infusing a tablespoon of dried jugube tree in a cup of hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also add dried jugube tree to your cooking dishes to enjoy its unique flavor and digestive benefits. Finally, you can use dried jugube tree in beauty rituals by adding it to your hair masks or preparing skin care products based on dried jugube tree and other natural ingredients.

Weight 0.061 kg
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